6. Preventing Chronic Pain After Cosmetic Breast Surgery: The Role of Massage Therapy

Sep 30, 2024


Chronic pain following cosmetic breast surgery can be debilitating and significantly impact a patient’s quality of life. This blog explores how massage therapy can prevent and manage chronic pain, particularly nerve-related and scar tissue pain, by providing early intervention post-surgery. Recent research highlights the importance of integrating massage therapy into the post-operative care plan to minimize the risk of long-term discomfort.

Understanding Chronic Pain After Cosmetic Breast Surgery

Chronic pain after cosmetic breast surgery is a common but often overlooked issue. It can stem from nerve damage, scar tissue formation, or other complications related to the surgery. Addressing this pain early is crucial to prevent it from becoming a long-term problem. According to Urits et al. (2020), early intervention with massage therapy can be highly effective in managing and reducing chronic pain.

The Science Behind Massage Therapy and Pain Management

Massage therapy has been proven to alleviate pain by improving circulation, reducing muscle tension, and creating flexible scar tissue. Urits et al. (2020) found that patients who received regular massage therapy after cosmetic breast surgery experienced significant reductions in chronic pain, particularly nerve-related and scar tissue pain. This evidence supports the inclusion of massage therapy as a standard practice in post-operative care to enhance recovery outcomes.

Preventing Long-Term Discomfort with Early Intervention

Early intervention is key to preventing chronic pain after surgery. By incorporating massage therapy into the recovery plan from the outset, healthcare providers can help patients avoid the long-term discomfort that often accompanies cosmetic breast surgery. Urits et al. (2020) emphasize the importance of starting massage therapy as soon as possible after surgery to maximize its pain-relieving benefits.

Improving Quality of Life Through Pain Relief

Chronic pain can have a profound impact on a patient’s quality of life, affecting their physical, emotional, and mental well-being. By effectively managing pain through massage therapy, patients can enjoy a better quality of life and a smoother recovery process. Urits et al. (2020) found that patients who engaged in regular massage therapy reported not only less pain but also greater overall satisfaction with their surgical outcomes.

Conclusion: Incorporating Massage Therapy for Pain Management

Massage therapy is more than just a comfort measure; it’s a critical component of post-operative care that can prevent and manage chronic pain. By addressing pain early and effectively, healthcare providers can improve recovery outcomes and enhance the quality of life for patients undergoing cosmetic breast surgery. Integrating massage therapy into the care plan is essential for optimal recovery.


Urits, I., Lavin, C., Patel, M., Maganty, N., & Jacobson, X. (2020). Chronic pain following cosmetic breast surgery: A comprehensive review. Pain and Therapy, 9(4), 495-507. https://doi.org/10.1007/s40122-020-00150-y. Retrieved from Springer


Eryn Price RMT has been in the healing arts for 25 years, instructing massage therapists for over a decade and has put over 500 therapists through her Mastectomy Guide certificate programs in the past 3 years. She is incredibly passionate about filling the gap in women's and trans health relating to accessing safe, educated, and ethical care for post-surgical rehabilitation from breast and chest surgery. To learn more about future training opportunities to enhance your massage therapy practice, please visit https://www.mastectomyguide.com/list-of-upcoming-courses.

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